Tuesday, February 9, 2016

It's perfectly normal

Harris, R. (2014). It's perfectly normal: Changing bodies, growing up, sex, and sexual health. Boston, MA: Candlewick Press.

      To quote NPR, "It's perfectly normal, but its also frequently banned." No topic is left untouched in this child-like explanation of puberty, sex and sexual health. The details and drawings are geared towards a young audience while fully describing topics that are usually meant for a more mature crowd. The argument can be made that this book is too explicit for young children and should only be introduced to a child through a parent's careful guidance. The addition of several controversial topics such as homosexuality and abortion make it a book that's purpose may be overshadowed by its implementation.  

Textbook Assignment #2

Evaluative Criteria - Organization

       Written and presented like a textbook, the organization of It’s perfectly normal allows readers to seek out information related to puberty, health and sex in any fashion they choose. The presentation of this information is written in simple, easily understood terminology and is accompanied by cartoon-like illustrations aimed at a young audience. The inclusion of a table of contents broken down further into topic gives readers a glance into the subject matter covered. A thorough index gives further organization of topics for quick access.

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