Singer, M. (2010). Mirror mirror. NY, NY: Dutton.
It's hard to say what is more dynamic, the brilliant reversible poems by Marilyn Singer or the beautiful illustrations of Josée Masse. Both demonstrate a shift in perception from one character to another. Familiar fairy tales serve as the basis for this poetry book but readers are treated to a new side of Cinderella, Rapunzel, Sleeping Beauty, Red Riding Hood, and others. The clever forwards and backwards poetry bends both the mind and imagination, while the illustrations delight the eye.
Textbook Assignment #1
Literary examples of composition
Josee Masse uses rich, vibrant colors to show the contrasting viewpoints in each fairytale. The literal line between each illustration shows an actual division of thought and perception, while also giving the illusion of movement from one view to another. Shapes are used throughout the book as a simple way to show two halves joined together to make one story (a circle for Rumpelstiltskin, a diamond for the princess and the frog, a heart for Beauty and the Beast) Seeing one story told from two vantage points causes the reader to see a familiar tale in a whole new way.
Evaluative Criteria - Style
In Mirror Mirror, the unique style exemplified so cleverly takes a commonly told fairy tale and presents it in a whole new way. The poetry is carefully crafted to be told forwards and backwards while revealing two contrasting viewpoints. This “book of reversible verse” challenges the reader create their own mirrored poetry. The author and the illustrator created a masterpiece in style, text and drawings that should inspire children to make their own unique creation.
About the author, author readings, lesson plans
Author's website
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