I came into this class with a decent knowledge of technology. Despite being in my 40's, I consider myself a digital native because my dad began working in the computer industry in the early 80's. From the time I was 9, we had a computer in my home. Many things have changed since 1984 in regards to technology and I have never been one who needs to be convinced of the benefits of technology in the classroom. This course helped me view technology and media in new ways. I was stretched to consider applications that I never would have imagined using in the classroom. Overall, I feel better equipped to use new technology in new ways in my library.
Infographics were a new experience for me and I would have to say, they were my favorite. It is one of those applications that has limitless possibilities. Presenting information in this creative way is beneficial to both teachers and students. This was an activity that I can picture using with G/T students as a way to demonstrate their understanding of their annual TPSP topic. Infographics are also a great way for teachers to share information with students, particularly information they need to access continually or for ongoing assignments.
The social media applications we discussed in class were something I struggled to fit into my idea of what can be done in the library, specifically on an elementary campus. Since my students are not legally allowed to register their own accounts, I had a difficult time with the assignments for Instagram and Vine. Podcasting was another application I found to be a difficult fit for a library visit for elementary students. While these may be tricky to imagine in my library curriculum, I'm glad to have had an opportunity to use these familiar concepts in an education setting.
Looking back, this class allowed me to experience a wide variety of applications that can differentiate my library lessons from what they are able to do in the classroom. As a librarian, my goal is to not only teach my students new things related to technology but also to demonstrate something new for the teachers. This class was a great starting point for the fun activities and 21st century learning I want implemented in my library.